134 Bulls

Gross $587,850
Average $4,386

148 Spring Bred Heifers

Gross $324,300
Average $2,191

283 Grand Total

Gross $919,150
Average $3,247

Online Auction

Online bidding available throughout the sale.


105 Registered Bidders from 5 States

A beautiful fall day welcomed 105 registered bidders from 5 states and 30 DV Auction buyers to the iconic Southern Cattle Company sale facility in Marianna, FL. The auction was led off by what some claimed to be the stoutest and deepest set of Angus bulls to ever be offered at Southern Cattle Company.  Topping the Angus offering was the Wiregrass of Southern 8017H herd bull prospect. A moderate in stature Coleman Charlo son, carrying as much depth of rib and base width as you could ask for. This top prospect sold to Pender Farms for $25,000.00.  The day was followed by Brangus, Charolais, Red Angus, and Sim-Angus bulls.  Bulls were widely accepted and snapped up at a torrent pace.

Following the bull offering was a deep set of Commercial Bred Heifers, led off by the Kevin Amerson donation heifer.  Kevin was here with us and was able to give his testimony, and there wasn’t a dry eye in the house.  She was a deep and soggy Braford heifer bred to a low-birth-weight Angus bull from Southern Cattle Company.  The proceeds from the raffle generated $5,862.00, Matt Murphy was the winner of the raffle and generously offered the heifer back to sell with proceeds going towards the donation.  When the bidding stopped on the heifer the host of the day’s event, Mr. John Downs, won the bid at $7,000.00.  The grand total of $12,862.00 was gratefully received by the Amerson Family.  Let’s keep them in our thoughts and prayers through his battle with cancer.

Then the F1/Tiger Stripe heifers were met with magnificent approval as 33 head averaged $2,700.00.  Followed by Brangus and Super Baldy heifer, then a deep set of Angus/Sim-Angus heifers.


42 Angus bulls gross $245,250.00 to average $5,839.29

24 Brangus bulls gross $96,000.00 to average $4,000.00

29 Charolais bulls gross $115,750.00 to average $3,991.38

5 Red Angus bulls gross $28,000.00 to average $5,600.00

1 Red Sim Angus bull gross $4,500.00 to average $4,500.00

33 Simmental and Sim Angus bulls gross $98,350.00 to average $2,980.30

134 bulls gross $587,850.00 to average $4,386.94  


33 F1/Tiger Stripe heifers gross $89,100.00 to average $2,700.00

61 Brangus/Super Baldy heifers gross $130,500.00 to average $2,139.34

52 Black Heifers gross $99,700.00 to average $1,917.31

2 Red Heifers gross $5,000.00 to average $2,500.00

148 Spring Bred Heifers gross $324,300.00 to average $2,191.22 


283 Total head gross $919,150.00 to average $3,247.88


Larger Group of Fewer Breeds

In this year’s offering you will find larger groups of fewer breeds, as we continue to streamline our genetic profile. The tried and true “Business Breed”of Angus, the “Vigorous Breed” Brangus, the “Pounds Heavy Breed” Charolais, the “Profit through Science Breed” Sim-Angus, the “Ranch Tested; Rancher Trusted Breed” Red Angus, are what is featured in the sale. We strive to bring you the highest quality of bulls in the industry. Each registered bull and registered female have had a DNA sample sent to their appropriate breed association for Genomic Enhanced EPDs. They have been through an aggressive herd health protocol and most importantly, they have been culled hard on structure. We will stand behind our product.

The Commercial Replacement Heifers are deep in quality and bred royally. You will find F1 Bra- ford Tiger Stripes, Brangus, and Ultra black heifers; bred to low-birth-weight ET Angus bulls from Southern Cattle Company. The phrase “You’ll drive the wheels off a truck trying to find better” is truly fitting for this set of females.

Sale Bull Lot Videos

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Commercial Female Lot Videos

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